Monday, September 3, 2012

Bodily Injury Claims

These following points in this blog are more focused on common mistakes that people do everyday which can result in compromising the value of your claim.

Photos- When communicating to an adjuster about the force of impact your vehicle received, words can only get you so far. Sometimes, it will not be enough.

If it is safe to do so, take photos of the accident scene and of the damage to the vehicles involved. Remember, daylight also helps with taking good photos.

Accident scene photos need to be taken as quickly to the time of impact as practically possible.

You want to take these photos from enough distance so that both vehicles are in the center of your frames. Try to include within your photos images which can be used as reference points. Also, the position which the photos are taken from can be an tremendous help. Take your photos at a distance with the front, back, sides of the accident scene in the middle of your frames.

Then, takes photos at the same distance as before but at all 45 degree angles so when you are done taking all your photos, you are able to perfectly show your adjuster how the vehicles were positioned at the accident scene. These photos can go a long way to convince your adjuster where the blame really is.

You have no idea how powerful your argument will be when the other driver has no photos of the accident scene to provide. Also, you photos could turn out to be evidence. They make great leverage!

Medical- when it comes to this valuable subject, timing is everything!

You feel your body one way before an accident and sometimes a little difference, some difference and in some cases really different after an accident. The most important thing I can tell you about this issue is be honest. If you feel sore, feel pain, stiffness, get it medically documented, see a Doctor ASAP! Beware most adjusters are good enough at reading medical and can tell when someone is making more out of something than it should be resulting in you losing credibility with your adjuster.

Telling things to an adjuster means very little but documentation, is king!

If you treat for injuries from your accident, treat with a reputable Doctor. Some Doctors give you muscle relaxers and pain pills. Some do the same but send you for physical therapy.

If you're dealing with what are called soft tissue injuries, sprains and strains there really isn't that much that can be done.

While Chiropractic involvement is common, a savvy adjuster knows where to draw the line on how much of this treatment they will pay for. Remember, the at fault insurance company in Texas is only obligated to consider reasonable and necessary medical. No claimant has the right to run up an unreasonable amount of medical and the insurance company is required to simply "pay it". I can assure you that is not the case.

This is another important issue- Do not bring up things like, since the accident you are now fearful of driving or some type of physiological effect from an auto accident. I can tell you, one-I never believed such and two-auto insurance policies in Texas do not pay for such "traumas" so in all honesty, do not bring it up. It is my opinion that most people bringing this up are just trying to inflate the value of their claim; it won't.

It makes you look like a money motivated claimant which is NOT the way you want your adjuster to view you as.

I hope you use this information when it comes time to.

Lastly, I have had many people try to settle their own claims which they have the right to. However, I have them outgunned and in the end they walk away with little money. The lesson, if you have an injury claim that happened here in Texas, let our company provide you with all the assistance you will need to go up against the insurance company and WIN!

Next week, we will talk about diminished value claim for the damage done to your vehicle. You will see how much money the insurance companies are not paying out on something simply because you are not asking.